01 May 2013

After 20 years in Pisa, I finally visited San Rossore Regional Park. And I regretted not having visited before.

Tuscany through my eyes: Week 22

san rossore pisa

Now that my project about Tuscany over the seasons is over, I have decided to start a new project: Tuscany through my eyes. Well, more or less… I am planning on publishing one or more photos of Tuscany every week, and not just some beautiful photos, but images that “match” the way I see my beautiful region at that time of the year. I will publish photos that I have taken and photos that I have not taken but I wish I had! 52 posts to show you Tuscany the way I see it and feel it. Here are the other posts in the series.

Week 22 – San Rossore Regional Park

After almost 20 years in Pisa, I finally visited the San Rossore regional park. And I regretted not having visited it before.

We only spent a couple of hours in the least wild area, the area of the Cascine Vecchie, where all the locals go to have a barbecue or a picnic on public holidays, such as May 1st.

There are large meadows flanking the long pine tree-lined boulevard, which is an ideal space for a day out only minutes from the center of the city.
San Rossore Pisa

(Photo by meronglassé)

San Rossore Pisa

(Photo by mailo)

san rossore pisa

(Photo by orlandochicconi)

The only negative aspect was the lack of shaded areas (but only because being a very busy day, most of them were already taken) and the mosquitos. Canadian bugs would fly away in shame faced with the mosquitos we saw! Surprisingly we did not get any bite.

The park is enormous, and covers a very diverse territory including woods, maquis, marshlands and sandy beaches. Highly recommended.


  1. Beautiful photos! Tuscany is a favorite place of mine…Thank you for sharing these, Gloria

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