05 Apr 2013

The camellias in bloom, the old grey stone bench and the stone buildings make the square of our home village a picture perfect corner of Tuscany.

Tuscany through my eyes: Week 18

Camellias in Tuscany

Now that my project about Tuscany over the seasons is over, I have decided to start a new project: Tuscany through my eyes. Well, more or less… I am planning on publishing one or more photos of Tuscany every week, and not just some beautiful photos, but images that “match” the way I see my beautiful region at that time of the year. I will publish photos that I have taken and photos that I have not taken but I wish I had! 52 posts to show you Tuscany the way I see it and feel it. Here are the other posts in the series.

Week 18 – Civitella and its camellias

I am certainly partial, but I believe the square of our little village, Civitella Marittima, is really pretty. There are some buildings that would require a wiser maintenance, that’s true. But on the other hand, there are some corners that are truly picture perfect like this one.

Camelias in Tuscany

This year, we have had a long, rainy winter. Bad for us (we have almost morphed into fish) but excellent for camellias.

These plants in the main square were glorious this year.

Camelias in Tuscany

I didn’t have my camera with me, and I do not own a smart phone (yet…), so I had to run to the baker and ask if he could lend me his! LOL

The grey of the old stone bench, which remind me so much of my childhood, when my great-grandmother would sit there and watch me play with the other kids in the square, looked so pretty next to the light pink flowers and the old wine barrel!

Camelias in Tuscany

If I close my eyes, I can still feel the stone under my child’s hands, and the smell (and taste… when you are a kid you don’t keep your hands out of your mouth for long…) of the wet stone!

And to think than in a month or so, the beautiful pink flowers will be replaced by the white jasmine flowers! I will have to take a few more pictures!

If you plan on visiting Tuscany in April, check our vacation rental in southern Tuscany, Casina di Rosa.


  1. Lenore Wells

    Hi Gloria your pictures are very beautiful and inspiring to one who is a painter of landscapes, buildings and figures.
    I am planing a trip to Italy June 11 to July 27 and trying to connect with people and get recommendations on places to visit of great beauty. I wish to rent small audio apartments for a week at a time in different locations. I want to interact with the locals and try to speak Italian and get a feel for the local way of life. I am reading blogs and trying to reach out to others.
    I would love to trade paintings for living arrangements if at all possible. If you could pass my contact information on to anyone you think of that might have an opportunity for me , I would appreciate it very much. You may email me with any inquirery or suggestions.
    Love your blog and have gained from the things you write about. Thanks !
    Lenore Wells 770-940-1802

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