01 Oct 2016

This year it’s Dalì’s turn.

Exhibits at Palazzo Blu in Pisa

Every year, October brings the first days of fall and the first interesting events in Pisa. This year, Pisa hosts someculinary events such as Banchi di Gusto (food fair under Logge di Banchi by Ponte di Mezzo) and BeeRiver at Stazione Leopolda, a fair dedicated to local microbreweries.

But the most awaited fall event in Pisa is always the latest exhibit at Palazzo Blu. Palazzo Blu is a private gallery. Since 2009, it has hosted a fabulous exhibit dedicated to a major artist every year. The exhibit usually opens in October and closes in February.

In 2009, it was Chagall. In 2010, it was Mirò. In 2011, it was Picasso and in 2012 Kandinsky. In 2013, it hosted an amazing exhibit dedicated to Andy Warhol. I loved it. In 2014 it was Modigliani‘s turn and last year it was my favourite exhibit, Toulouse-Lautrec.

Today opens an exhibit featuring Dalì‘s work. The exhibit will be open between October 1, 2016 and February 5, 2017.

The gallery is open all year round. It has a permanent exhibit and temporary events are organized every month.

If you visit Pisa, Palazzo Blu is well worth a visit. And if you are still choosing your destination in Tuscany, the Dalì exhibit is the perfect excuse to choose the city of the Leaning Tower. Especially if combined with a culinary event!

If you plan on visiting Pisa, check out our vacation rental in Pisa.






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