09 Jun 2010

How I discovered that I should never take allergy pills before going to my new favourite spot in Pisa!

Mojitos and fried seafood on the river Arno

Yesterday, after a long day of work, we went to a new bar that has just opened right on the river bank in Pisa: Argini e Margini. To get to the bar you need to go down to a small sandy beach by the river Arno. The walk provides a very unusual perspective on the buildings of the Lungarno and the atmosphere is really cool. It is a “different Pisa”, in a way.

Argini e Margini consists of two small stalls with tables – a bar and a small booth where they fry seafood (squid and shrimp) –  and a floating seafood restaurant.

You can sit wherever you find a spot: we sat next to two perfect strangers, so it might be a good way to make new friends!

They serve aperitivo: you buy a drink and you can help yourself at the fingerfood buffet. Truth be told, there is not much to eat compared to other places in the city, mostly dipping sauces and bread, but the fried-food stall sells really good fried seafood!

The bar serves wine, beer and cocktails. Actually, I found out that my allergy pills and mojitos don’t go well together… and so I “had to” eat two servings of fried fish and vegetables to avoid getting too drunk! What a sacrifice!!!

The place is not expensive, and the crowd is very laid-back. Yesterday there was an exhibition (Firehouse Rock Poster Expo) and music. At the weekend they have live jazz concerts too. I think I have found my favourite spot in Pisa to hang out in the warm summer evenings!

And I would like to stress once again that Pisa at night is really beautiful, and fun. There are so many new locales, pubs, events and exhibitions! Spending only a few hours in the city and then leaving to go to Florence or elsewhere is “a sin“!


  1. I agree, Pisa is really magical at night, such a lively place, full of young people. I wish I had Pisa nearby, I would go often!

  2. Thank you Letizia! I think the people who come for the day and leave in a couple of hours cannot but hate the city… they go to the most crowded spots, the walk in the heat, they don’t get a moment for themselves… And they miss the moment when the city is the prettiest. Bah.

  3. Good to mention this spot and to read about it!

    I agree It’s a sin just to spend just few hours and leave Pisa to go elsewhere.

    Gloria you’re doing a great job to attract people and let them live like local. I’m used to recommend more and more my guest and prospective ones to read your post to get “local”.

    As I’m working on a project http://progettokublai.ning.com/group/CasaGentili
    a part of which is based on this subject, it would be good to share ideas!


  4. Gianluca

    Try ARNOVIVO too! just have a look at the map here



  5. Ciao Gianluca, grazie del commento. Provato anche quello ovviamente! Ma è meno il mio tipo di locale. Bello però!
    Lavori lì o li frequenti solamente?

  6. Amanda

    Gloria, I have read and enjoyed several of your blogs. Thank you for your perspective. I am visiting Italy for the 1st time this June 2012 and La Luminara di San Ranieri in Pisa is on the top of my list. Although we are renting a villa in
    Collazzone (Perugia) Italy, I am planning on staying the night in Pisa now because of your blog. Luckily, I will be there June 16th! From several websites, it appears this festival will occur on June 16th, 2012 correct? I have looked at the Argini e Margini website and this looks like a cool place! Can you please recommend a hotel to get that is near the bar and all the festivities? We will have a car, but will prefer to stay the night in safe walking distance from the wine bar and festivities on June 16th.
    Thank you!
    A. Sustaita – TX, USA

    • Hi Amanda, thank you for your kind words! La Luminara is well worth the trip. It is always on June 16, the night before the Patron Saints’s Day. Lots of events on the 17th too, including a regatta in period costumes on the river. In terms of hotel, nothing beats the position of hotel Royal Victoria, right on the Lungarno. Not far and with private parking there is Hotel Bologna. Hotel Leonardo is also nice and if you want to splurge, relais dell’orologio. Have fun!


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gloria CasinadiRosa, Gloria CasinadiRosa. Gloria CasinadiRosa said: How I found out that Mojitos and allergy pills don't go well together while having a great night out. http://bit.ly/cDvPmh […]

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