There is one particular type of fruit that marks the passage from the winter to the summer… in my very personal world at least.
And in the broadest possible sense of the terms “winter” (as in that time of the year where you have to work, work, work – at least if you work in the field of education as I do – and the weather is cold and miserable and the holidays are far away) and “summer” (as in that time of the year where jumpers can finally be stored away, you can sit in the sun and enjoy it, school is almost over, the holidays are almost here). I am talking about “nespole“, which in English should be loquats according to my dictionary.
Now, for those who don’t know “nespole” (I’ll stick to the Italian name), they look somewhat like apricots, but their skin is smooth and the pulp is “watery”. They can be either quite acidic or very sweet: there is no way to know just by looking at them or by touching them. Generally, smaller nespole are sweeter than big ones. A bit like strawberries. We have a saying which is “nella botte piccola ci sta il vino buono” (good wine is stored in small barrels).
I don’t think that they are a very well-known or popular type of fruit: they are originally from Japan and are a type of rosacean plant, but they are quite common in Italy.
In Tuscany it is not uncommon to see loquat trees covered in thick, dark-green foliage and a myriad of small yellow balls in early May. There are generally a number of blackbirds hovering about them too! They contribute to the sound of the Tuscan spring!
Anyway, today I went shopping and when I saw strawberries and loquats on the shelves I suddenly felt I was almost on holiday! It was one of those sudden and unexpected good feelings that come with a bundle of good memories, undefinable thoughts and the anticipation of the next sin of gluttony!
Sometimes I am amazed at how much simple things, often tastes and smells, are associated with the various moments of our lives. I am always very happy when May comes, because besides being the most beautiful month of the year, I have always associated this time of the year, its weather, colours, smells, and sounds, with the end of the school year and hence with the holidays. And since after the “oranges” and “apples” of the winter come the “strawberries”, “loquats” and “asparagus” of the spring before the “cherries” and “apricots” of the early summer and the “peaches”, “plums”, and “melons” of the summer, a box of nespole on a supermarket shelf is enough to make my day!
For those who dare to try everything, there is also another type of nespola, that I believe is called “medlar” in English. That type is available in October, and it is very sour. Generally you need to store it in hay and eat it after a few months, when it’s much sweeter.
Check these pages to learn more about loquats and medlars.
A curiosity. Loquat honey is a rarity that is available only in the area of Palermo. It is produced in December, when elsewhere in the country bees are already dormant.
Ok, time to finish this post, my very personal “ode to the loquat“!
Unfortunately, like all the REALLY good things, loquats don’t last very long. Neither in the supermarket nor on my sideboard!
Believe it or not, loquats and strawberries always ment summer to me too…. and wisteria in bloom! 🙂
Gloria, I discovered these luscious fruits covering the pergola of the farmhouse we rented in Montisi for 7 years. I didn’t know what they were, but I knew how good they tasted! I haven’t noticed them here in the States, but I’ll start looking. Double yum!
Gloria, I asked the owners of Pensione Bencista in Fiesole about this tree a few weeks ago. I guessed it was a loquat tree but was informed it was a nespole. We were both correct.
they are well known in china, Hong Kong. we used the leave to boil water for curing cough.
there are also a lot in france!
I brought home some nespole seeds from the fruits we ate in Italy this spring. I now have three seedlings that need to be potted or planted within another month or so. Does anyone know if nespole is hardy in New England? They’re not my favorite thing but my husband, a native Italian, is crazy for them and I’d love to grow my own for him.
this is the article on the nespole
I grew up in Florence and found Nespole @ the market yesterday. looking for the English name to tell my friends, I found you. Your article hit home. I have been like a kid in a candy store with ramps, strawberries, asparagus, cherries, Nespole… So many memories…. Thank you.
Thank you Caterina!
ciao Gloria
what a great article. It brought back so many wonderful memories.
while reading your article I could almost smell the wonderful fragrance and taste the nespole. I agree , May is a beautiful month. I forward the article to my daughter she was born in May.
I’m in Rome , on my way to our hotel we happen to pass by a villa,
and on the terrazzo I see a beautiful tree with big yellow nespole .
I immediately thought of your article . May is the month for this delicious and rare fruit.
It always brings back wonderful memories. Just by looking at them I can taste and smell the
Sweet aroma. I urge everyone to try some of this delicious fruit .
Tx 4 yr fond description of yr perception of loquat that I totally share w/ you as an inhabitant of Istanbul. I grow several trees from seeds every year + my cousin who lives near London has done this in her garden there.
My greetings to everyone who value this tree!