20 Sep 2012

There are several wi-fi hot spots in Pisa. And they are free.

Wi-Pi: Free Wi-Fi in Pisa

wi fi pisa

Pisa has been implementing the wi-fi coverage of the city center for some time now. I think this is a fabulous idea and a great investment.

There are many free (and I would like to stress FREE) wi-fi hotspots that are already active, mostly near the City Hall, that is, right in the center, but also in Borgo Stretto and along the Viale delle Piagge. The hotspots are marked by signs with the symbol of the project.

This is a map of the active wi-fi hotspots.

Click to see a larger map of the active Pisa WiFi – Hotspots

All people have to do to access the wi-fi network is to register for an account and a password is sent to them in a text message (that is the only limitation – you need to provide a cellphone number to receive the text with the passoword). This is the page to create your account.

Many more hot spots will be activated between now and 2015 (most of them in the next couple of months actually), when Pisa should have a system of interactive tourist itineraries guiding visitors through the most beautiful parts of the city.

This is a page with an outline of the project.

The city’s long-lasting love for internet is celebrated every year with the Internet Festival. This year the festival will be held from October 4 to 7.


  1. Jan Roskott

    I tried to register for free Wifi but my Australian mobile number is rejected?

    Do you know if you need to have an Italian mobile number?

    Thank you! Jan

    • That is strange. I know that for non-Italian numbers they ask for a credit card number (which is not charged) to validate the identity of the user.

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