The fall is here at last…

27 Oct 2012

Most people love Italy for its climate: the sunny days, the dry weather that allows people to take many day trips and enjoy the outdoors. I love the rain, the mists, the cool breeze, the grey skies. I love the weather that makes you feel comfortable indoors, curled up on your sofa with a good book and a cup of tea. A thunderstorm that leaves behind a cool, misty morning…

halloween in tuscany

I almost forgot about pumpkins, Halloween and the holidays!

31 Oct 2011

Being on maternity leave, busy with an important job interview and putting together a wish list of items for our baby, and practically still wearing short sleeves on this year’s warm fall days, I almost forgot that Halloween, All Saint’s Day and the olive harvest were here! Until my grandma made Pane dei Santi…

Tuscany in October

01 Oct 2011

October is the month when the fall starts to set in. The weather is usually still very pleasant, but some rain should be expected. However, normally, October is a great month to visit Tuscany. Don’t expect the spectacular north American foliage though! Unfortunately, we don’t get the spectacular shades of red… but we get porcini mushrooms and chestnuts!